Hi guys, here I am on holidays but didn't want to go without a beautiful piece of graffiti I came across in Amsterdam just around a dear friend's home (Brian). What really attracted me about this image is the mood, the old fashoin street lamp shining upon the bright orange colors of the graffiti. I was so enchanted by the mood that I only realized what the graffiti said (Ruby) only a few days later. I took various photos of this image both with my Leica (by day and by night) and with my i-phone. This one is obviously taken with my i-phone. Will post the Leica ones in the new year. Enjoy!
Hola todos, aca estoy de vacaciones pero no queria dejar de mostrarles un muy lindo graffiti que encontre en Amsterdam, a la vuelta de la casa de un gran amigo (Brian). Lo que realmente me atrajo de esta photo es el ambiente, el character que transmite, la vieja lampara de calle iluminando los brillantes colores anaranjados del graffiti. Estaba tan embobado-encantado que solo me di cuenta de lo que decia el graffiti (Ruby) varios dias despues. Tome varias fotos de esto con mi Leica (de noche y de dia) y con mi i-phone. Esta es obviamente sacada con mi i-phone. Mas adelante en el ano nuevo posteare las mismas sacadas con mi Leica. Disfruten!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Living Graffiti - NY
As you already know I travelled to NY in February this year and took zillions of photos which in fact I have already posted here on my blog earlier this year. Well, cleaning up my hard drive I came across this series I had totally forgotten about. I caught this artist re-working this wall of colorful graffiti art. Loved the bright colors jumping out as if the wall was backlit. So vivid it looks all these colorful faces have a life of their own.
Como ya saben en Febrero de este ano viaje a NY & tome miles de fotos las cuales ya postie en este blog mas temprano este ano. Bueno, mientras limpiaba el disco rigido de mi compu me encontre con esta serie de fotos que tenia totalmente olvidada. Encontre a este artista re-trabajando este mural de graffiti. Me encantaron los brillantes y vividos colores que parecen hacer que las caras salten fuera de las fotos como si tuveran vida propia.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Mumbai in full colors
Hi all, came back from a business trip 2 weeks ago from Mumbai. I managed to get away on a Saturday to take pictures. We drove around and went to a street market, the Mumbai gate, had some great food and managed to take some colorful photos. Had a great time! Thanks Ramnik for taking me around!
I took all these with my M9-P and a 35mm Sumicron a perfect combo. Enjoy the vivid colors!!
Hola Todos, volvi de Mumbai por un viaje de trabajo hace 2 semanas. Logre escaparme el Sabado para sacar fotos. Manejamos por Mumbai y vimos un mercado callejero, the Mumbai gate, comimos comida India riquisima & logre sacar fotos realmente coloridas. La pase realmente muy muy bien!! Gracias Ramnik por manejarme por Mumbai!!
Tome estas fotos con mi M9-P y un 35mm Sumicron, un combo perfecto. Disfruten de los colores!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Pix Tsunami
A few weeks ago we went to FOAM here in Amsterdam and attended an expo representing the snapshot traffic out there...on facebook, flicker, websites, blogs, being sent on MMS, Wasap etc etc...the complete overload, overflow of images we're exposed to. Snapshots taken every day, every hour, every minute...with point and shoot, DSLR, mobile phones or ANY kind of camera we happen to have with us which we immediately share. Pictures we take for any given reason, to share a new haircut, birthdays, holidays, something funny or surprising we find on the street and even to full fill our artistic cravings. Just wanted to share this Tsunami of pictures I am partly responsible for.
Hace un par de semanas fuimos a FOAM aca en Amsterdam a ver una expo sobre el traffico de fotos alla afuera....en facebook, flicker, sitios web, blogs, MMS, Wasap etc etc. Un completo descontrol, desborde de imagenes al que estamos expuestos. Fotos sacadas todos los dias, a toda hora, minuto...con cualquier tipo de camera que tengamos a mano para enseguida compartir. Fotos que sacamos por cualquier razon, desde mostrar un nuevo corte de pelo, cumpleanos, vacaciones, algo gracioso, ingeniose o raro que encontramos en la calle, o simplemente para satisfacer las necesidades artisticas que tenemos todos. Simplemente queria compartir este Tsunami de imagenes del cual soy en parte responsable.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Jelly Bean Video Clip
Hi everyone! Found this video clip (In Your Arms - Kina Grannis) and just loved it because it is so simple, creative & colorful. It was made using 288000 jelly beans, 2460 frames (yes, shot frame by frame), 1357 hours, took 1 year of shooting & over 2 years to get the videoclip out there. Loved it. Enjoy.
Hola todos! Encontre este video clip (In Your Arms - Kina Grannis) y me encanto por ser tan simple, creativo y colorido. Fue hecho usando 288000 jelly beans, 2460 cuadros (si fue hecho cuadro por cuadro), en 1357 horas, tomo 1 ano solo de fotografia & mas de 2 anos hasta que el videoclip se lanzo. Me ancanto. Disfruten.
Checkout here The making of this videoclip:
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Building Lights
So another shot I took at night of a building that was all lit up with lights. I underexposed it & through it out of focus so that the lights would pop-out like bright round bubbles. Then converted it into B&W to make it a little more dramatic. Like this one too because although the lights are the main attraction you can still see very subtly the building structure.
Asique otra foto que tome a la noche de un edificio todo iluminado con luces. Sub-expuse & saque todo fuera de foco para que las luces resaltaran en la oscuridad como burbujas de luz. Luego la converti a blanco y negro para darle un poco mas de drama a la foto. Me gusto como quedo porque a pesar de que la principal attraccion son las luces, todavia se puede ver muy sutilmente la estructura del edificio.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Backlight Party Dispenser
So went to Euro Disney with my beautiful girls and as we walked back after an exhausting day there was this series of Coca-Cola dispensers lit up with bright yellow and red colors...it made them look like dispensers of fun & as kids walked by it attracted them like bees to honey. Their last chance before heading back home.
Fuimos con mis chicas a Euro Disney y cuando caminabamos de vuelta despues de un dia agotador nos cruzamos con esta serie de dispensores de Coca-Cola iluminados de vibrantes colores amarillo y rojo...los hacia parecer como dispensors de alegria, & lograba atraer a todo chico que pasara como miel a las abejas. La ultima opportunidad de antes de enprender la vuelta a casa.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Amsterdam Graffiti
Hi guys. Took this picture 6 years ago in Amsterdam. They were doing some work on a building near Van Gogh museum and had set up some panels which were then graffitied for the full 50 meters. This was the first compo I ever made & what makes it really special is the couple just stepping into the pic on the right hand side. Its one of the few photos I've taken which I re-look and still like (usually a few days or weeks after I took photo and I don't like it anymore!).
Hola gente. Tome esta foto hace 6 anios en Amsterdam. Estaban trabajando en un edificio ahi cerca del museo de Van Gogh, levantaron unos paneles protectores a lo ancho del edificio (50 metros) que terminaron llenando de Graffitti. Esta fue la primera compo que hice & lo que la hace realmente especial es la pareja entrando por la derecha en la foto. Es una de las pocas fotos que vuelvo a mirar una y otra vez y todavia me gusta (por lo general despues de un par de dias o semanas de sacar cualquier foto no me gusta mas!).
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
New York 2011
So again photos from my trip to NY earlier this year (see my first 2 posts). Only had time to look back at them and select a few good ones now.
The 1st photo I took of Time Square, underexposed it by a few stops, through it out of focus & then played with the contrast. I love that it looks like a blur of colors jumping out. The 2nd one I took after jumping from puddle to puddle, looking for the right reflection & waiting for people to stop walking by (yes in Times Square!!). Love the line of the water just leading to the reflection of the iconic Time Square lights. The 3rd one is scary & loved it because of it. It looks like a red skull, a dark force from below watching over us....woooooo.
De vuelta fotos de mi viaje a NY este ano (ver mis 2 primeros posts). Solo tuve tiempo ahora para reveerlas y elegir un par de buenas fotos de esa noche que logre salir finalmente.
La 1era foto la saque en Times Square donde sub-expuse, tire la foto totalmente fuera de foco & despues jugue con el contraste. Me encanta por los borbotones de color y como resaltan. La 2da la tome despues de saltar de un charco de agua al otro, buscando el reflejo correcto & esperando que dejara pasar la gente (si! en Times Square!). Me encanto la linea del agua que te lleva al reflejo de las luces iconocas de Times Square. La 3era parece sacada de una pelicula de terror y me encanto por eso. Parece una calavera roja, una fuerza oscura que nos mira desde el infierno.....wooooo.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Old trip to New York and New Jersey
Over 2 years ago I traveled to New York and New Jersey for work. I arrived the weekend before so took the advantage to run out and take snapshots with my old iPhone 3G. The Empire State Building from the top (took us 3 hours to get up there), NY Central Station, typical traffic light stop sign, Robo-art in Jersey, and street artwork from the meat packing district in NY.
Hace un poco mas de 2 anos viaje a New York y New Jersey por trabajo. Llegue el fin de semana anterior asique aproveche para salir a sacar fotos con my viejo iPhone 3G. El edificio Empire State desde arriba (tardamos 3 horas en subir), la estacion central de NY, typica signo de 'pare' de semaforo, Robo-art en New Jersey, y arte urbano en el meat packing district de NY.
Old trip to Tokyo
Here go a series of pictures from a trip to Tokyo, Japan over 2 years ago. I took them all with my old iphone 3G. Have many more but selected these few which to my view represent Tokyo very well. The Typical colorful drink dispensers which are all over the city, a classic Japanese piece of art on a wall, funky window lights when going shopping near Ginza, a typical Japanese light and the iconic Tokyo tower.
Aca va una serie de photos de uno de mis viajes a Tokyo, Japon hace mas de 2 anos. Las saque todas con mi viejo iPhone 3G. Tengo muchas mas pero seleccione estas porque para mi son las que mejor representan Tokyo. La typicas coloridas maquinas de bebidas que estan por toda la ciudad, un mural de clasico arte Japones, una vidriera colorida de shopping en la zona de Ginza, una typica luz Japonesa & la iconica torre de Tokyo.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Encontre este vidoe en un blog que sigo (http://blog.chasejarvis.com/blog/) y realmente me encanto porque es fotografia/arte con un causa social. Me encanto.
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