Sunday, January 13, 2013

In the crowd

Hi Everyone, my 2013 new year resolution (or at least one of them) is to get one post out there every weekend so here goes this weeks post: 'In the crowd'. 
In 2010 I was in Amsterdam for work and had an afternoon free so jumped on a bike and off I went to Central Station to take photos of the largest crowd of bikes I have ever seen in my life. If not mistaken it must be the hugest bicycle parking lot in the world. Well whatever won't bore you anymore here goes a short selection of pics I took:
1st Photo: Among the endless sea of bikes there were these 2 that were like jumping out like 2 kids asking for attention.
2nd Photo: Among the chaotic crowd I found this peaceful couple. Two very old bicycles that it looks had been stranded there forever, it looked like they had aged together and were very sweetly holding hands as the 1st day they met.
3rd Photo: I found this bike with a very nice bell (or however u call it) with the (Dutch?) crown engraving which with the very colorful orange backdrop of its body made it a completely Dutch specimen.
4th Photo: I was already heading back when this bright Nemo bell drew my attention. I took this picture against a very colorful blurred background which in fact looked like a coral reef and just loved it.

Hola Todos, mi resolución para el 2013 (o por lo menos una de ellas) es postear algo todos los fines de semana asique acá va el de esta semana.
En el 2010 estaba en Amsterdam por trabajo y tuve una tarde libre asique me subi a una bici y sali para la Central Estacion a sacar fotos de la major aglomeracion de bicicletas, creo yo, del mundo. Bueno no los aburro mas aca van las fotos:
1era Foto: En el mar de bicicletas estas dos parecian estar saltando y pidiendo atencion como dos chicos.
2da Foto: Entre todo ese chaos encontré una vieja pareja de enamorados. Dos bicicletas muy viejas que parece habían sido abandonadas hace rato, que parecían haber envejecido juntos & por suerte se tenían el uno al otro tomandose de la mano como el primer día que se conocieron.
3era Foto: Encontre esta bicicleta con este timbre/campana con la corona (Holandesa?) que con el anaranjado cuerpo lo hacia un espécimen Holandes perfecto.
4ta Foto: Ya estaba emprendiendo la vuelta cuando esta imagen de Nemo en un timbre/campana me atrajo la atención. Busque el angulo en el cual pudiera sacarla contra el fondo colorido, fuera de foco y que parecen coloridos corales. Me encanto.

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