Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rainbow Walk

Hello, something different this week. I have many of these series of  colorful colonial houses in Singapore. Loved this one cause one third through the colorful colonial walk there is a couple bringing along a kids bike from who knows where. This gives the image a sense of scale, movement and normal daily routines to it.

Hola, algo differente esta semana. Tengo varias series, como esta, de casas coloniales en Singapore. Siempre me gusto mucho esta porque a un tercio del colorido recorrido colonial hay una pareja caminando con una bici de un chico en mano. Esto le da ala serie un sentido de escala, movimiento & rutina diaria.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

clean prayer

Hi Everyone! A little late for everyone in Europe and Asia but better late than never.
Took this selected series on my first trip to India. I traveled for work doing consumer visits covering various cities in India starting in Mumbai, through Luknow, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ludhiana & ending back in Mumbai.
What really attracted me from these photos was the way I managed to capture how emotionally engaged this consumer was with the toilet soap she was using. She washed and explained how important this soap was to her and her family, smelt its fragrance and closed her eyes while trying to explain what she smelt and what it meant to her. In low LSM's in India the soap plays a key role in protecting the family & specially kids from illnesses & infections.

Hola Todos! Un poco tarde para los que estan en Europa & Asia pero mejor tarde que nunca.
Tome esta serie que seleccione hoy en mi primer viaje a India. Viaje por trabajo haciendo visitas a consumidores por varias ciudades de India empezando en Mumbai & pasando por Luknow, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ludhiana, para terminar nuevamente en Mumbai.
Lo que realmente me atrajo de esta serie fue como logre capturar la manera intensamente emocional  con la cual la consumidora, madre de familia, explicaba la importancia de su jabon de tocador. Como se lavo las manos y mientras lo hacia explicaba la importancia que tenia ese jabón para su seres queridos, olio su perfume y cerrando los ojos trataba de explicar que olia y que significaba ese producto para ella.
En NSE bajos en India el jabon de tocador toma un rol clave en proteger a la familia, y en especial los chicos, de enfermedades e infecciones.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hi Everyone! Between my travels and being so crazy busy at work haven't been able to take photos...not even process the ones I have already. Well whatever, here goes this weeks post. I took this series during my travel to Angkor Wat, Cambodia. I was drawn to the emptiness, stillness, silence, pure  desolation of these places...where if you stop for a moment you can hear yourself breathe & think...with some bird or monkey howling every now and then in the background, of course.

Hola Todos! Entre mis viajes y dias de locos en el trabajo no he podido sacar muchas fotos, ni siquiera procesar las que ya tengo. Bueno no importa, aca va el post de esta semana. Tome esta serie durante mi viaje a Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Me atrajo mucho el vacio, el silencio, lo quieto & la pura desolación de estos lugares...donde si uno realmente para un minuto puede escucharse respirar y hasta pensar...bueno con algun pajaro cantando o aullido de mono en el fondo.